Saturday, July 08, 2006

Your generosity is appreciated!

Sylvester Cancer Center in Miami is the latest recipient of a batch of crocheted & knitted chemo caps. Our dear friend Chasey, who is being treated at this center, took a beautiful load of caps there for us on July 3rd. The Center, which is South Florida's only university based cancer center, was very grateful for the caps and was delighted with the colorful assortment we made them.

Thanks to Ann, a very skilled lady who donated caps to us even though she doesn't even live in the area! Also thanks to B. Nash, who made a very generous donation of Fun Fur to be made into caps. Finally, our most recent thanks goes to L. Dellapenta, who today gave us a gift card to be used to buy yarn for more caps. You are all wonderful and your generous spirit is touching many lives.

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